Development applications & definitions

Bill 37: The Planning Amendment & City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act received royal assent on May 20, 2021. All applications received by the City of Winnipeg after that date are subject to the legislation. Learn more about how Bill 37 impacts development applications processed by the City.

Please refer to the following development applications for documentation requirements, fees, and procedures.

Air space plan (DAASP) application
For the approval of an air space plan (a plan that delineates property boundaries in a three-dimensional space)

Alternative equivalent compliance (AEC)
Application to approve a landscape, fencing/screening, lighting and/or design standard alternative to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law's standards that requires approval from the district planner

Attached secondary suite (DCU "B") conditional use application
Required in instances when the attached secondary suite use does not meet the applicable Use Specific Standards of Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006

Conditional use (DCU "C" or "D") application (other residential and commercial uses/buildings)
For multiple-family dwelling, commercial, or industrial uses where the use is deemed to be "conditional" under the property's zoning district. Conditional use means a use of a building or land that may be unique in its characteristics or operation which could have an impact on adjoining properties.

Condominium plan of survey (CONDO) application
For approving a condominium plan of survey including bareland condo or phased condo applications, dividing a parcel of land into individually owned bareland units and common elements. The land, service areas and joint use areas are considered common elements.

Consent to convey applications are similar to a subdivision application in that the applicant wishes to transfer a parcel, or part lot, from a title to a separate title. For zoning purposes, the land contained within each title that may be issued as a result of approval of the consent must meet the minimum lot width and area requirements of the zoning district, have frontage on a public street, and comply with all development standards of the applicable zoning by-law.

Consent to lease applications are more complex.