Addition - Everlasting Maths Worksheet

Recommended Minimum System: PC Windows 95/NT or better e.g. XP, Vista, Windows 7, (Mac users click here), 16MB Ram, Pentium 90, Sound Card.

Choose from 3 levels of addition sums from single digits to three figure problems. Each sum is randomly produced one at a time on a blackboard style interface. Audio and visual encouragement let's you know when you are right and when you need to try again. Includes the ability to carry 1 when the answer to a column of figures is more than 9. There is a facility to print out personalised certificates to encourage improvement. Compressed file size - 826 KB.

Play the online version

What's new in v1.5
Ability to save certificates/progress.

Other Programs Of Mine In This Series Are


Schools That Use "Addition"


Topeka Lutheran School - USA

De Vuurtoren (The Lighthouse) School - Utrecht, Netherlands

Milson School - New Zealand

If your school uses any of my programs, let me know

For help with downloading and installing, click here

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100% Genuine Feedback

Thanks for the TERRIFIC software at a great price!
Suzanne, USA

I've been a happy Olltwit user for years - I downloaded several of your programs back in '04, for my older son to use. Now it's time for my younger son to use them, and I've come back to your site to find 1) I owe you, and 2) you have more great stuff. I'm happy to pay up because I know the quality of your programs.
Mary Beth, Indiana, USA

We got your DVD and its fab!

Many thanks
Lorrane, Scotland

Thank you for creating these programs.

I have ADHD like your son, Richard, and got really much help from your great educational programs.
Paal, Norway