Game Pass Step into the world of Black Desert to experience action-packed combat and unforgettable adventures!
Value Pack (15 Days)Value Pack (15 Days) A pack that includes a variety of benefits helpful for your adventure like additional Inventory and Storage slots, increased max weight limit, and more.
Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female)Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female) Register this item at a Stable to obtain a horse to experience the vast world of Black Desert.
[Event] Classic Outfit BoxPolar Bear (Tier 3) It's a cute pet that picks up items as it follows you.
The Polar Bear even increases your weight limit!
[Title] Master The title, "Master," is displayed on top of your Family name for other Adventurers to see!
1,000 PearlsGame Pass Step into the world of Black Desert to experience action-packed combat and unforgettable adventures!
Value Pack (15 Days)Value Pack (15 Days) A pack that includes a variety of benefits helpful for your adventure like additional Inventory and Storage slots, increased max weight limit, and more.
Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female)Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female) Register this item at a Stable to obtain a horse to experience the vast world of Black Desert.
[Event] Classic Outfit BoxPolar Bear (Tier 3) It's a cute pet that picks up items as it follows you.
The Polar Bear even increases your weight limit!
[Title] Master The title, "Master," is displayed on top of your Family name for other Adventurers to see!
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (15 Days)Blessing of Old Moon Pack (15 Days) An item you can use to get 3 buffs all at once, helpful to your adventure.
Choose Your Horse Gear Set BoxChoose Your Horse Gear Set Box If you registered the Horse Emblem at a Stable and obtained a horse, improve the appearance of your horse. You can also get additional bonuses.
[Event] Premium Outfit Box[Event] Premium Outfit Box Customize your own unique character with an awesome outfit!
The premium oufit box includes an item that changes your awakening weapon's appearance.
[Event] Maid for Hire Box x2 You can call upon your maid to withdraw or deposit items from the Central Market anywhere and anytime, and use the storage in the city you're in.
Choose Your Tier 3 Pet BoxChoose Your Tier 3 Pet Box You can choose a cute pet with your preferred appearance that picks up items as it follows you around.
Assorted Scroll BoxAssorted Scroll Box You can obtain a variety of scrolls that give you Combat EXP gain, Skill EXP gain, Item Drop Rate increase, and other buffs.
30% Discount Coupon- The [Traveler Edition], [Explorer Edition], and [Conqueror Edition] contain game passes that grant access to Black Desert Online and items that can be used in-game.
- After purchasing a package, you can send the included items from My Page > Web Storage to a character in the North America or Europe server. Please make sure to double-check the server you select for your character before sending the items from Web Storage.
- Please refer to the in-game shop and/or item tooltip for each item’s detailed description.
- The game pass is effective immediately upon purchase and allows you to access both the North America/Europe servers.
- If you purchase a package with an account that already has access to Black Desert Online, you can view the game pass from My Page > Package History.
- Each account can only purchase one package product ([Traveler Edition], [Explorer Edition], [Conqueror Edition]). Multiple/duplicate packages cannot be purchased.
- Matters concerning the withdrawal and/or refund of packages shall be in accordance with the Terms of Service - ARTICLE 21. REFUND OF ACOIN/PAID CONTENT.
- Packs that have been purchased via content creator codes cannot be refunded.
- Packages cannot be gifted or transferred.
- Packages and/or package contents are subject to change after prior notice.
- The items included in each package may have restrictions on trading/selling/usage periods and different binding settings. Due to these reasons, the items cannot be exchanged or restored.
- Inventory Slot Expansion Coupons cannot be used on a character that has expanded all of the available inventory slots (192 slots).
- If you have any questions related to the purchasing of Black Desert products, please visit the [FAQ] or contact us via [Support].
- If you have any other questions related to the operation of Black Desert, please refer to the [Black Desert Operational Policy].