SAP Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) Module Tutorials, Tcodes and tables

SAP Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) are two important components of SAP Financial (FI) Module.They represent as FI-AR & FI-AP respectively.This tutorial contain following details about those modules.

As their name says these modules deals with the amounts that should be received from the customers and the amounts that should be paid by the company to their vendors respectively. Simply we can say SAP accounts Receivable module deals with the customer transactions and Accounts payable module deals with the vendor transactions.

SAP Accounts Receivables & payables tcodes tables

Important SAP Accounts Receivable (AR) Transaction codes

See some sample transaction codes used with SAP FI-AR sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).

    1. SEPA_NR_MT → Number range maintenance: SEPA_MNDID
    2. FI_APAR_SEPA_CUST → FI General Settings for SEPA
    3. OB_V_FDKDATES → FI Cust.: Internet/Time Frame
    4. OB_VAR_FBWARI0 → FI Cust.: INet/Service Variants
    5. OB_VAR_FBWAPI0 → FI Cust.: INet/Service Variants
    6. FPDP_MESSAGE → Customizing Messages
    7. F.34 → Credit Management – Mass Change
    8. S_P99_41000102_10 → Check Number Intervals
    9. F.33 → Credit Management – Brief Overview
    10. F.35 → Credit Master Sheet
    11. FD33 → Display Customer Credit Management
    12. S_P99_41000102 → Check Lots
    13. FD37 → Credit Management Mass Change
    14. FD32 → Change Customer Credit Management
    15. S_P99_41000094 → Monthly Invoice Report (China)
    16. Sample FI-AR Transaction codes in PDF
    17. View full list of SAP FI AR tcodes with details

    SAP FI-AR (Accounts Receivable in FI) TABLES

    Here is the list of standard SAP tables coming under FI-AR component.

    1. CRMD_CCM_LINK → Link from payment item to claim chargeback recovery in CRM
    2. FSEPA_INST_CD → Local Instrument and Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits
    3. FSEPA_INST_SL → Priority Rules for Local Instrument and Lead Times
    4. FSEPA_REFTYPE → SEPA Mandate: Permitted Contract Types
    5. FSEPA_REFTYPET → SEPA Mandate: Text Table for Permitted Contract Types
    6. SEPA_MNDID_FM → SEPA Mandate ID: Generate Function Modules
    7. SEPA_MNDID_FM_T → SEPA Mandate ID: Function Module for Generating Mandate IDs
    8. SEPA_NR_CUST → SEPA Mandate Reference ID: Number Range Customizing
    9. T028Y_SEPA → Returns Activities: Change Mandate Status
    10. T056S → Interest scale interest terms (acct
    11. T056Y → Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator
    12. Sample list of FI-AR Tables in PDF

    Important SAP Accounts Payable (AP) Transaction Codes

    Important Accounts Payable (AP) Tables


    Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Accounts Receivable in FI application component with the package name they belong to.

    1. HLA0009203 → FI-AR → Accounts Receivable
    2. HLA0006500 → FI-AR-AR → Basic Functions
    3. HLA0001278 → FI-AR-AR-BE → Bills of Exchange
    4. HLA0001284 → FI-AR-AR-CL → Closing Operations
    5. HLA0001281 → FI-AR-AR-CR → Correspondence
    6. HLA0001277 → FI-AR-AR-DP → Down Payments
    7. HLA0001280 → FI-AR-AR-DU → Dunning
    8. HLA0008964 → FI-AR-AR-FC → Financial Calendar
    9. HLA0001275 → FI-AR-AR-IC → Invoices and Credit Memos
    10. HLA0001283 → FI-AR-AR-IN → Interest Calculation
    11. HLA0001274 → FI-AR-AR-MD → Master Data
    12. HLA0001276 → FI-AR-AR-MP → Manual Payments
    13. HLA0008965 → FI-AR-AR-MP-BF → Basic Functions
    14. HLA0008966 → FI-AR-AR-MP-PA → Payment Advice Notes (Incoming)
    15. HLA0008969 → FI-AR-AR-OI → Open Item Management
    16. HLA0008976 → FI-AR-AR-PRK → Preliminary Posting
    17. HLA0001279 → FI-AR-AR-PT → Payment Transactions
    18. HLA0008974 → FI-AR-AR-SF → Special Functions
    19. HLA0008975 → FI-AR-AR-SF-ED → External Documents
    20. HLA0006501 → FI-AR-CR → Credit Management
    21. HLA0006504 → FI-AR-IS → Information System