By virtue of the information they have access to, human resources employees are held to a higher standard for safeguarding confidentiality. Employees expect HR staff to maintain the confidentiality of their personal information; therefore, the credibility and trustworthiness of the HR department and its staff hinge upon a confidentiality agreement. They know employees' salaries, performance records, medical treatments, financial habits and marital or relationship status. In addition, HR employees are privy to information about organizational strategy that could affect the work force, such as job elimination or layoffs.
The first element of an HR confidentiality agreement addresses the origin of information to which HR employees have access. A well-written confidentiality agreement covers all data sources – electronic, hard copy, telephone conferences – whether the information is company- or HR-generated or provided by employees themselves.
Advertisement Article continues below this adThe first paragraph of a confidentiality agreement might state, "During my employment with ABC Company, I may have access to confidential data or information related to the company's business operations. This confidential information may be provided to me orally, as in telephone conferences, as well as by electronic and hard-copy transmission of information about employees and the organization. I understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of this information, including information that I generate and information that employees provide to me."
Because HR employees have access to sensitive and confidential information, the company must be assured that HR staff won't disclose it and that discussions about the information are confined only to those who need to know it. Some HR confidentiality agreements discourage HR staff from developing friendships with workers outside the HR department. However, that's difficult to control, and it presumes that HR staff can't be trusted to separate their professional duties from their personal relationships.
Advertisement Article continues below this adViolating an HR confidentiality agreement has consequences. HR employees who intentionally disclose confidential information for personal gain may be subject to serious disciplinary warning or even termination in particularly egregious cases. Unintentional disclosure, such as providing employee information to a caller who identifies himself as a law enforcement officer, may result only in a disciplinary warning.
An appropriate confidentiality agreement clause related to improper disclosure might read, "I understand that I could be subject to disciplinary action as a result of intentional or unintentional disclosure of information. Disciplinary action could range from a written warning placed in my personnel file, up to and including immediate termination."
Employees who have a problem signing a confidentiality agreement may lose the opportunity to work for the company. Their employment could be conditioned upon their agreement to abide by confidentiality provisions. In addition, HR employees who agree to the overall confidentiality agreement also acknowledge that they understand the consequences of violating the agreement.
Advertisement Article continues below this adFor example, the final clause in an HR confidentiality agreement might read, "I have read and understand the clauses in this agreement and acknowledge receipt of the agreement. My signature indicates that I will adhere to the requirements of this HR confidentiality agreement." In addition to making employment with the company conditioned upon signing the agreement, include a statement about internet use to protect the company's vulnerability to technology-generated disclosures or hacking.
In addition to HR staff confidentiality agreements, the HR department also may require signed confidentiality agreements from all employees. Confidentiality agreements signed by the entire work force ensure that workers won't take advantage of confidential or proprietary information for personal or financial gain. Agreements that prohibit using confidential information about the employer for insider trading are common.
In addition, non-compete agreements also are common for salespersons, executives and employees in a number of other occupations. Non-compete agreements prohibit certain employees from working for a competitor or sharing trade secrets, proprietary information or details about research and development.